Qualsafe Level 4 Award in Out of Hospital Adult Immediate Life Support
Upon successful completion of the course...
...you will receive a Qualsafe certificate of qualification. This certificate is valid for one year.
This course explicitly addresses the Skills for Health Core Skills Training Framework Level 1, 2, 3 Adult Immediate Life Support outcomes. The Qualsafe Level 4 Award in Out of Hospital Adult Immediate Life Support (RQF) is a regulated and nationally recognised qualification, delivered over one day.
Learners must have successfully completed a Qualsafe Level 4 Certificate in First Response Emergency Care (RQF) or higher qualification or clinical grade.
The qualification has been designed for those with a specific responsibility at work, or in voluntary and community activities, to provide out of hospital emergency care to patients requiring emergency and urgent care. Learning is fully comprehensive and is relevant to those working as emergency care providers, ambulance support workers or associate ambulance practitioners, registered healthcare professionals and specialist roles within the emergency services and military.
Topics include developing and optimising existing skills and knowledge in:
Operational readiness checks Infection prevention control procedures
Scene assessment and safe approach
Patient assessment and recognising a deteriorating patient
Airway management including I-gel
Adult Immediate Life Support
Post ROSC care procedures
Resuscitation attempt modifications
Recognising and managing major illness
Course Duration – 1 day
Classroom and Practical
Prerequisite: Minimum age 18

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